Monday, February 27, 2012

Creamy Sundried Tomato Pasta

I have been on a sundried tomato kick for the past few months.  I love those things.  So, I've been trying to make up recipes to use them in.  Here is what the hubby and I ate tonight:

Creamy Sundried Tomato Pasta

Penne Pasta
1 12oz can Evaportated Milk
2 cups of Mozzeralla cheese
1 jar sundried tomatoes, diced
3 cloves garlic
1/4 c onion
2 tsp dried basil or about 5 leaves of fresh (I like fresh)
a few pinches of crushed red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste

Optional Garnishes:
parmesean cheese


Prepare pasta according to package directions, adding  about 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes to boiling pasta water for last two minutes of cooking time; drain.

Mix evaporated milk, cheese, basil, garlic, onion, remaining sundried tomatoes and crushed red pepper in medium saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until cheese is melted. Remove from heat.

Top pasta with sauce.  Garnish with toppings.  Enjoy!!!

We really enjoyed this, my husband took leftovers to work the next day.   I will have to give this recipe 3.5 stars out of 5!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First post and craft

Well, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I thought I'd give it a try.  I really enjoy "making stuff", whatever it may be.  I hope this blog will help me organize my ideas and also inspire others to get a little crafty as well.  My thought is to update with a new craft or idea weekly.  Hopefully I'll stay on top of things. 

So, here is my first idea; a wreath.I've been a little obsessed lately with these things.  This is the first ribbon wreath I've made, and since this one, I've made several more (they get easier and quicker to make every time). 

Things you will need for this project:
wire wreath or a wire coat hanger (thats what I used... because it's... FREE)
LOTS of ribbon (I waited to get it 50% off at Hobby Lobby)
A wooden letter and paint (if you wish to personalize it)
Thats it!!!

All you do is:
Cut ribbon into about 6 inch strips and tie them onto the wire... Thats all, SUPER EASY!!!

Here it is about half way finished.

And... here is the finished product!

Thats it... SUPER easy!  Hope you will try it out soon!