Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Wreath

Well, my craft for this week was a gift I made for my husband's grandmother's birthday!  We had no clue what to get her for her birthday, so we decided to try Hobby Lobby (the night before her birthday.. nothing like waiting until the last minute) and we thought we'd just walk around until we found "it".  Well, after about an hour, we had walked around the store at least three times and checked out every single isle....more than once.  We realized we weren't going to just find "it".  Finally, my husband suggested I should make her something (not quite sure why this idea didn't come to either one of us sooner).
So we decided on a wreath.  We quickly went our separate ways to get all of the supplies I'd need, since of course the things I needed were on opposite sides of the store. 

  With suggestions from the hubby, this is what we came up with:

Sadly, I don't have step by step pictures this week, but it was very simple to make!

You will need:
A grapevine wreath
Ribbon (2)
A wooden letter
flower or other decoration (I found the flower already made at Hobby Lobby, saved me time and money)

Weave the ribbon through the wreath.
Hot glue the flower and letter on top.

That's all!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One Minute Microwave Cake

Well, this week's post is a yummy recipe inspired by my sweet tooth.  I LOVE sweets!! I just can't help myself.  This cake is so easy, and very "light".  My husband and I were over at my parents' house along with my sisters this weekend (we find ourselves over there a lot... we enjoy the company.. and the food my mom makes, I can't lie).  Thanks to my mom who helped me out and gave me the idea for this cake.  I must say I ate a whole serving plus most of the second one within a matter of minutes. 

Here is what you will need:
1 box of angel food cake
1 box of any other type of cake
1 gallon Ziploc bag
whatever type of toppings you wish

How to make it:
Empty both cake mixes into a gallon bag. Mix together. 

Then, add 3 tablespoons of the cake mix and 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl and stir.

Next, put into the microwave for 1 minute.

Take it out of the microwave and let it sit for a few minutes.

Add your favorite toppings.
Now, I'm usually a chocolate girl, and when it comes to toppings, more is MORE. But not with this cake, and my sisters agreed. We thought it was better before we added all the toppings, but you can decide for yourself. 


See... SUPER EASY!!!
I love this because you can just save the Ziploc bag with the cake mix and use it whenever you're craving something sweet.  Your own personal cake! 
I would give this 4 out of 5 stars since it's so easy and satisfied my sweet tooth. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cupcake Flower Pot

Well, my craft for this week was inspired by the warmer weather AND my mother-in-law's birthday! I made a cupcake flower pot for her birthday. 

You will need several things for this project. Of course, you don't have to do the cupcake part, and you can just decorate the flower pot if you wish.

Here is what you'll need:

For the flower pot:
A Terra Cotta flower pot (whichever size you wish)
Paint (spray paint or liquid paint, it doesn't matter)
A hot glue gun
A paint pen

If you wish to make the flower cupcakes too, here is what you'll need:
A large Styrofoam ball
Wooden dowels (the type that are pointed on both ends)
Green Tissue Paper
Cupcake Mix, Liners, and icing

Here are some of the supplies you will need.


First, paint the flower pot and let it dry completely. 

After it dries, hot glue a strip of ribbon around the top of the pot.

Next, make a bow and then hot glue it to the pot.

Last, I personalized it by adding the "U" monogram.

There ya go, a cute, simple, personalized flower pot!  Honestly, this was really easy. Now, the cupcake part, that's a different story.  It was a lot of trial and error. 

First, make your cupcakes but don't ice them.... YET!

Next, put tissue paper or newspaper in the bottom of the pot and fill about 3/4 full.  Then place the Styrofoam ball on top. 

Then, place a wooden dowel on the top of the ball, sticking out about 3 inches.  Put a cupcake through the dowel.  (I learned the hard way that it is a LOT easier to get the type of dowels that are sharp on the skewers... I did not get that type, and my cupcakes were falling apart as I tried to "poke them" with the dowels.  My husband had to sharpen the dowels, and it made this A LOT easier... thanks Robb!)

Anyway, keep adding dowels and cupcakes. Try to insert the dowels at an upward angle, and not coming straight out of the side of the ball.  In fact, I used two dowels per cupcake (except for the one on top) just for good measure. 

Then, I hot glued some tissue paper to cover up the "bald" spots around the bottom.

Then, I added some tissue paper throughout the cupcakes to cover the Styrofoam. 

Last, you can ice the cupcakes. (But wait until right before you eat) Believe me, I had a mess on my hands when I tried to ice them before I put them on.  The cupcakes were too heavy with the icing and started falling off in a matter of minutes.  As long as there is no icing, the cupcakes will stay on for days... so.. put icing on RIGHT before they are going to be eaten. 

The finished product!

I hope you will try this project.  It was super fun and the pot was really easy to make. I'm sure I'll be making several more of these. I may just make one for myself soon!

 Just leave a comment if you have any questions.  Thanks for reading!!!