Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Wreath

Well, my craft for this week was a gift I made for my husband's grandmother's birthday!  We had no clue what to get her for her birthday, so we decided to try Hobby Lobby (the night before her birthday.. nothing like waiting until the last minute) and we thought we'd just walk around until we found "it".  Well, after about an hour, we had walked around the store at least three times and checked out every single isle....more than once.  We realized we weren't going to just find "it".  Finally, my husband suggested I should make her something (not quite sure why this idea didn't come to either one of us sooner).
So we decided on a wreath.  We quickly went our separate ways to get all of the supplies I'd need, since of course the things I needed were on opposite sides of the store. 

  With suggestions from the hubby, this is what we came up with:

Sadly, I don't have step by step pictures this week, but it was very simple to make!

You will need:
A grapevine wreath
Ribbon (2)
A wooden letter
flower or other decoration (I found the flower already made at Hobby Lobby, saved me time and money)

Weave the ribbon through the wreath.
Hot glue the flower and letter on top.

That's all!!!

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