Sunday, March 18, 2012

One Minute Microwave Cake

Well, this week's post is a yummy recipe inspired by my sweet tooth.  I LOVE sweets!! I just can't help myself.  This cake is so easy, and very "light".  My husband and I were over at my parents' house along with my sisters this weekend (we find ourselves over there a lot... we enjoy the company.. and the food my mom makes, I can't lie).  Thanks to my mom who helped me out and gave me the idea for this cake.  I must say I ate a whole serving plus most of the second one within a matter of minutes. 

Here is what you will need:
1 box of angel food cake
1 box of any other type of cake
1 gallon Ziploc bag
whatever type of toppings you wish

How to make it:
Empty both cake mixes into a gallon bag. Mix together. 

Then, add 3 tablespoons of the cake mix and 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl and stir.

Next, put into the microwave for 1 minute.

Take it out of the microwave and let it sit for a few minutes.

Add your favorite toppings.
Now, I'm usually a chocolate girl, and when it comes to toppings, more is MORE. But not with this cake, and my sisters agreed. We thought it was better before we added all the toppings, but you can decide for yourself. 


See... SUPER EASY!!!
I love this because you can just save the Ziploc bag with the cake mix and use it whenever you're craving something sweet.  Your own personal cake! 
I would give this 4 out of 5 stars since it's so easy and satisfied my sweet tooth. 

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